

We are women, men, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, lawyers, doctors, scientists, teachers, counselors and PTO members.  We are the spouses of the US Armed Forces! In addition to giving back to our military community, monthly educational and social events are hosted.  Please check our Calendar of Events for upcoming luncheons or evening events.  If you are interested in meeting new people, volunteering in your community and exploring the San Antonio area, we hope that you will join us for one of our upcoming events.  We are excited about what the upcoming year has in store for the Spouses' Club of the Fort Sam Houston Area and we encourage you to join us today!


 Questions about membership?  Contact us at


Why Join?

  • Meet new friends and build lifelong friendships!

  • Be involved in an organization that does community outreach through many different programs.

  • Get to know the San Antonio area and all it has to offer.

  • Enjoy special functions that are planned throughout the year.

  • Make your time at Fort Sam Houston the best it can be!

 Who can join?

  • Spouses of all active commissioned officers, warrant officers, or enlisted members stationed at Fort Sam Houston.

  • Spouses residing in the San Antonio area whose commissioned officer, warrant officer, or enlisted sponsors are not stationed at Fort Sam Houston.

  • Spouses of retired or widows/widowers of deceased commissioned officers and warrant officers, or enlisted members, residing in the San Antonio area.

  • Spouses or widows/widowers of reserve component personnel or National Guard personnel residing in the San Antonio area.

  • Spouses of DOD Civilian Employees, including all GS level employees, and DOD contractors and their spouses residing and/or working in the San Antonio area.

  • Adult family members who reside with an active commissioned officer, warrant officer, or enlisted member stationed at Fort Sam Houston or who reside with an active member.

  • Active or retired officers and warrant officers, or enlisted members stationed at Fort Sam Houston or residing in the San Antonio area.

  • Spouses of officers and warrant officers or enlisted members on TDY status or other non-permanent status stationed at Fort Sam Houston.


 Eligible Guests


The SCFSHA will allow the following paying guests and they'll pay the non-member rate for programs:

  • Attendance at one General Membership meeting per fiscal year will be allowed for persons ineligible for membership.

  • An active member will be allowed to bring ineligible immediate family members to any General Membership meeting.

  • Children older than 6 months are ineligible to attend General Membership meetings. 



  • The annual membership cost is $35.


How Do I Join? 


Membership is OPEN! Please click HERE to join! 


Check our EVENTS page and social media for more information on attending our monthly luncheons!